Mr. Pickle's first trip was when I took him to Boulder, Colorado from August 13-20, 2010. He had a great time seeing the sights and making new friends.
He found a fresh bunch of dill at the Boulder Farmer's Market.

Alluvial Fan @ Rocky Mountain National Park.
Even Mr. Pickle likes to wake up to fresh
Roos Roast in the morning!
At Cave of the Winds.

The top of Pike's Peak! This was his favorite.

Garden of the Gods.

I enjoyed this pickle, but Mr. Pickle gave me a funny look as I ate it.

No trip is complete without a visit to the local library!

A yodelling relative! He found this less offensive than the pickle band-aids he saw at the same store. Mr. Pickle has since signed up for yodelling lessons in town.

He enjoyed a Kinda Blue beer at Boulder Beer.

Enjoying some sun time at a private beach outside Boulder.
Ah, enjoying a heavenly Boulder-made kombucha on Pearl St.
The End.
[This is my sample post. Subsequent posts will not be this lengthy.]
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